Monday, June 26, 2017

How To Stream JSON Data Into Hive Using Apache Flume

How To Stream JSON Data Into Hive Using Apache Flume

Pre-Requisites of Flume + Hive Project:


NOTE: Make sure that install all the above components

Flume + Hive Project Download Links:

`hadoop-2.6.0.tar.gz` ==> link
`apache-flume-1.6.0-bin.tar.gz` ==> link
`apache-hive-1.2.1-src.tar.gz` ==> link
`kalyan-json-hive-agent.conf` ==> link
`bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar` ==> link


1. create "kalyan-json-hive-agent.conf" file with below content

agent.sources = EXEC
agent.sinks = HIVE
agent.channels = MemChannel

agent.sources.EXEC.type = exec
agent.sources.EXEC.command = tail -F /tmp/users.json
agent.sources.EXEC.channels = MemChannel

agent.sinks.HIVE.type = hive
agent.sinks.HIVE.hive.metastore = thrift://localhost:9083
agent.sinks.HIVE.hive.database = kalyan
agent.sinks.HIVE.hive.table = users2
agent.sinks.HIVE.serializer = JSON = MemChannel

agent.channels.MemChannel.type = memory
agent.channels.MemChannel.capacity = 1000
agent.channels.MemChannel.transactionCapacity = 100

2. Copy "kalyan-json-hive-agent.conf" file into "$FUME_HOME/conf" folder

3. Copy "bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar" file into "$FLUME_HOME/lib" folder

4. Generate Large Amount of Sample JSON data follow this article.

5. Execute Below Command to Generate Sample JSON data with 100 lines. Increase this number to get more data ...

java -cp $FLUME_HOME/lib/bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar \
com.orienit.kalyan.examples.GenerateUsers \
-f /tmp/users.json \
-n 100 \
-s 1

6. Verify the Sample JSON data in Console, using below command

cat /tmp/users.json

7. To work with Flume + Hive Integration

Follow the below steps

Follow this aritcle to work with below procedure.


i. update '~/.bashrc' file with below changes

export HIVE_HOME=/home/orienit/work/apache-hive-1.2.1-bin
export PATH=$HIVE_HOME/bin:$PATH

export HCAT_HOME=$HIVE_HOME/hcatalog
export PATH=$HCAT_HOME/bin:$PATH

ii. reopen the Terminal

iii. start the hive using 'hive' command.

iv. list out all the databases in hive using 'show databases;' command

v. create a new database (kalyan) in hive using below command.

create database if not exists kalyan;

vi. use kalyan database using 'use kalyan;' command

vii. list out all the tables in kalyan database using 'show tables;' command.

viii. create 'users2' table in kalyan database using below command.

  userid BIGINT,
  username STRING,
  password STRING,
  email STRING,
  country STRING,
  state STRING,
  city STRING,
clustered by (userid) into 5 buckets stored as orc;

ix. Display the data from 'users2' table using below command

select * from users2;

x. start the hive in external metastore db mode using below command

hive --service metastore

8. Execute the below command to `Extract data from JSON data into Hive using Flume`

$FLUME_HOME/bin/flume-ng agent -n agent --conf $FLUME_HOME/conf -f $FLUME_HOME/conf/kalyan-json-hive-agent.conf -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,console

9. Verify the data in console

10. Verify the data in Hive 

Execute below command to get the data from hive table 'users2'

select * from users2;

How To Stream CSV Data Into Hive Using Apache Flume

Pre-Requisites of Flume + Hive Project:


NOTE: Make sure that install all the above components

Flume + Hive Project Download Links:

`hadoop-2.6.0.tar.gz` ==> link
`apache-flume-1.6.0-bin.tar.gz` ==> link
`apache-hive-1.2.1-src.tar.gz` ==> link
`kalyan-csv-hive-agent.conf` ==> link
`bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar` ==> link


1. create "kalyan-csv-hive-agent.conf" file with below content

agent.sources = EXEC
agent.sinks = HIVE
agent.channels = MemChannel

agent.sources.EXEC.type = exec
agent.sources.EXEC.command = tail -F /tmp/users.csv
agent.sources.EXEC.channels = MemChannel

agent.sinks.HIVE.type = hive
agent.sinks.HIVE.hive.metastore = thrift://localhost:9083
agent.sinks.HIVE.hive.database = kalyan
agent.sinks.HIVE.hive.table = users1
agent.sinks.HIVE.serializer = DELIMITED
agent.sinks.HIVE.serializer.delimiter = ","
agent.sinks.HIVE.serializer.fieldnames=userid,username,password,email,country,state,city,dt = MemChannel

agent.channels.MemChannel.type = memory
agent.channels.MemChannel.capacity = 1000
agent.channels.MemChannel.transactionCapacity = 100

2. Copy "kalyan-csv-hive-agent.conf" file into "$FUME_HOME/conf" folder

3. Copy "bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar" file into "$FLUME_HOME/lib" folder

4. Generate Large Amount of Sample CSV data follow this article.

5. Execute Below Command to Generate Sample CSV data with 100 lines. Increase this number to get more data ...

java -cp $FLUME_HOME/lib/bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar \
com.orienit.kalyan.examples.GenerateUsers \
-f /tmp/users.csv \
-d ',' \
-n 100 \
-s 1

6. Verify the Sample CSV data in Console, using below command

cat /tmp/users.csv

7. To work with Flume + Hive Integration

Follow the below steps

Follow this aritcle to work with below procedure.


i. update '~/.bashrc' file with below changes

export HIVE_HOME=/home/orienit/work/apache-hive-1.2.1-bin
export PATH=$HIVE_HOME/bin:$PATH

export HCAT_HOME=$HIVE_HOME/hcatalog
export PATH=$HCAT_HOME/bin:$PATH

ii. reopen the Terminal

iii. start the hive using 'hive' command.

iv. list out all the databases in hive using 'show databases;' command

v. create a new database (kalyan) in hive using below command.

create database if not exists kalyan;

vi. use kalyan database using 'use kalyan;' command

vii. list out all the tables in kalyan database using 'show tables;' command.

viii. create 'users1' table in kalyan database using below command.

  userid BIGINT,
  username STRING,
  password STRING,
  email STRING,
  country STRING,
  state STRING,
  city STRING,
clustered by (userid) into 5 buckets stored as orc;

ix. Display the data from 'users1' table using below command

select * from users1;

x. start the hive in external metastore db mode using below command

hive --service metastore

8. Execute the below command to `Extract data from CSV data into Hive using Flume`

$FLUME_HOME/bin/flume-ng agent -n agent --conf $FLUME_HOME/conf -f $FLUME_HOME/conf/kalyan-csv-hive-agent.conf -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,console

9. Verify the data in console

10. Verify the data in Hive

Execute below command to get the data from hive table 'users1'

select * from users1;

How To Stream JSON Data Into Phoenix Using Apache Flume

Pre-Requisites of Flume Project:


NOTE: Make sure that install all the above components

Flume Project Download Links:

`hadoop-2.6.0.tar.gz` ==> link
`apache-flume-1.6.0-bin.tar.gz` ==> link
`hbase-1.1.2-bin.tar.gz` ==> link
`phoenix-4.7.0-HBase-1.1-bin.tar.gz` ==> link
`kalyan-json-phoenix-agent.conf` ==> link
`bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar` ==> link
`phoenix-flume-4.7.0-HBase-1.1.jar` ==> link
`json-path-2.2.0.jar` ==> link
`commons-io-2.4.jar` ==> link


1. create "kalyan-json-phoenix-agent.conf" file with below content

agent.sources = EXEC
agent.channels = MemChannel
agent.sinks = PHOENIX

agent.sources.EXEC.type = exec
agent.sources.EXEC.command = tail -F /tmp/users.json
agent.sources.EXEC.channels = MemChannel

agent.sinks.PHOENIX.type = org.apache.phoenix.flume.sink.PhoenixSink
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.batchSize = 10
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.zookeeperQuorum = localhost
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.table = users2
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.ddl = CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users2 (userid BIGINT NOT NULL, username VARCHAR, password VARCHAR, email VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, dt VARCHAR NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY (userid, dt))
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.serializer = json
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.serializer.columnsMapping = {"userid":"userid", "username":"username", "password":"password", "email":"email", "country":"country", "state":"state", "city":"city", "dt":"dt"}
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.serializer.partialSchema = true
agent.sinks.PHOENIX.serializer.columns = userid,username,password,email,country,state,city,dt = MemChannel

agent.channels.MemChannel.type = memory
agent.channels.MemChannel.capacity = 1000
agent.channels.MemChannel.transactionCapacity = 100

2. Copy "kalyan-json-phoenix-agent.conf" file into "$FUME_HOME/conf" folder

3. Copy "phoenix-flume-4.7.0-HBase-1.1.jar, json-path-2.2.0.jar, commons-io-2.4.jar and bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar" files into"$FLUME_HOME/lib" folder

4. Generate Large Amount of Sample JSON data follow this article.

5. Execute Below Command to Generate Sample JSON data with 100 lines. Increase this number to get more data ...

java -cp $FLUME_HOME/lib/bigdata-examples-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-dependency-jars.jar \
com.orienit.kalyan.examples.GenerateUsers \
-f /tmp/users.json \
-n 100 \
-s 1

6. Verify the Sample JSON data in Console, using below command

cat /tmp/users.json

7. To work with Flume + Phoenix Integration

Follow the below steps

i. start the hbase using below '' command.

ii. verify the hbase is running or not with "jps" command

iii. Start the phoenix using below ' localhost' command.

iv. list out all the tables in phoenix using '!tables' command

8. Execute the below command to `Extract data from JSON data into Phoenix using Flume`

$FLUME_HOME/bin/flume-ng agent -n agent --conf $FLUME_HOME/conf -f $FLUME_HOME/conf/kalyan-json-phoenix-agent.conf -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,console

9. Verify the data in console

10. Verify the data in Phoenix

Execute below command to get the data from phoenix table 'users2'


select count(*) from users2;

select * from users2;

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hive lab8 xml

Hive Lab8 : Xml data processing 3
Hive xml3

xml tags(nodes) with parameters.

[training@localhost ~]$ cat xml6
<tr><cid>101</cid><pr pid="p1">1000</pr><pr pid="p3">3000</pr></tr>
<tr><cid>102</cid><pr pid="p1">1200</pr><pr pid="p2">2000</pr></tr>
<tr><cid>103</cid><pr pid="p2">5000</pr><pr pid="p3">3000</pr></tr>
[training@localhost ~]$

[training@localhost ~]$ cat customers
[training@localhost ~]$

[training@localhost ~]$ cat products
[training@localhost ~]$

hive> create database xml10;
Time taken: 0.034 seconds
hive> use xml10;
Time taken: 0.027 seconds
hive> create table transraw(line string);
Time taken: 0.057 seconds
hive> create table custraw(line string);
Time taken: 0.034 seconds
hive> create table prodraw(line string);
Time taken: 0.038 seconds

hive> load data local inpath 'customers' into table custraw;
Copying data from file:/home/training/customers
Copying file: file:/home/training/customers
Loading data to table xml10.custraw
Time taken: 0.155 seconds
hive> select * from custraw;
Time taken: 0.065 seconds

hive> create table customers(cid string,
    >   name string, city string);
Time taken: 0.043 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table customers
    >   select xpath_string(line,'rec/cid'),
    >    xpath_string(line,'rec/name'),    
    >    xpath_string(line,'rec/city')
    > from custraw;

hive> select * from customers;
101     Mani    Hyd
102     Vani    Pune
103     Veni    Hyd
Time taken: 0.059 seconds

hive> load data local inpath 'products'
    >  into table prodraw;
Copying data from file:/home/training/products
Copying file: file:/home/training/products
Loading data to table xml10.prodraw
Time taken: 0.109 seconds
hive> select * from prodraw;
Time taken: 0.057 seconds
hive> create table products(pid string,
    >  pname string, brand string,
    >   mrp int);
Time taken: 0.036 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table products
    >   select xpath_string(line,'rec/pid'),
    >    xpath_string(line,'rec/pname'),   
    >    xpath_string(line,'rec/brand'),
    >    xpath_int(line,'rec/mrp')         
    > from prodraw;

hive> select * from products;
p1      Mobile  Samsung 5000
p2      Mobile  Lg      7000
p3      Laptop  Lg      6000
Time taken: 0.06 seconds

hive> select * from transraw;
Time taken: 0.052 seconds
hive> load data local inpath 'xml6'
    >  into table transraw;
Copying data from file:/home/training/xml6
Copying file: file:/home/training/xml6
Loading data to table xml10.transraw
Time taken: 0.094 seconds
hive> select * from transraw;
<tr><cid>101</cid><pr pid="p1">1000</pr><pr pid="p3">3000</pr></tr>
<tr><cid>102</cid><pr pid="p1">1200</pr><pr pid="p2">2000</pr></tr>
<tr><cid>103</cid><pr pid="p2">5000</pr><pr pid="p3">3000</pr></tr>
Time taken: 0.056 seconds

hive> create table transraw2(cid string,
    >   pid array<string>,
    >  pr array<string>);
Time taken: 0.034 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table transraw2
    >   select xpath_string(line,'tr/cid'),
    >  xpath(line,'tr/pr/@pid'),
    >  xpath(line,'tr/pr/text()') from transraw;

hive> select * from transraw2;
101     ["p1","p3"]     ["1000","3000"]
102     ["p1","p2"]     ["1200","2000"]
103     ["p2","p3"]     ["5000","3000"]
Time taken: 0.058 seconds
hive> create table cidpid(cid string, pid string);
Time taken: 0.041 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table cidpid
    >   select cid, mypid from transraw2
    >    lateral view explode(pid) p as mypid;

hive> select * from cidpid;
101     p1
101     p3
102     p1
102     p2
103     p2
103     p3
Time taken: 0.054 seconds
hive> create table cidpr(cid string, pr int);
Time taken: 0.072 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table cidpr
    >   select cid, mypy from transraw2
    >     lateral view explode(pr) p as  mypy;

hive> select * from cidpr;
101     1000
101     3000
102     1200
102     2000
103     5000
103     3000
Time taken: 0.069 seconds
hive> alter table cidpid add columns(n int);
Time taken: 0.056 seconds

add jar Desktop/hivejars.jar;
create temporary function auto
   as '';

hive> insert overwrite table cidpid
    >   select cid, pid, auto() from cidpid;

hive> select * from cidpid;
101     p1      1
101     p3      2
102     p1      3
102     p2      4
103     p2      5
103     p3      6
Time taken: 0.066 seconds

hive> alter table cidpr add columns(n int);
Time taken: 0.057 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table cidpr
    >   select cid, pr, auto() from cidpr;

hive> select * from cidpr;
101     1000    1
101     3000    2
102     1200    3
102     2000    4
103     5000    5
103     3000    6
Time taken: 0.061 seconds

hive> create table trans(cid string, pid string,
    >  pr int);
Time taken: 0.031 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table trans
    >   select l.cid, pid, pr
    >   from
    >  cidpid l join cidpr r
    >  on (l.n=r.n);

hive> select * from trans;
101     p1      1000
101     p3      3000
102     p1      1200
102     p2      2000
103     p2      5000
103     p3      3000
Time taken: 0.063 seconds

hive> select * from products;
p1      Mobile  Samsung 5000
p2      Mobile  Lg      7000
p3      Laptop  Lg      6000
Time taken: 0.052 seconds
hive> create table  info1(cid string,
    >   pid string, pname string,
    >   brand string, mrp int, pr int);
Time taken: 0.075 seconds
hive> insert overwrite table info1
    >    select cid,, pname, brand,
    >    mrp , pr 
    >   from trans l join products r
    >  on ( =;
hive> select * from info1;
101     p1      Mobile  Samsung 5000    1000
102     p1      Mobile  Samsung 5000    1200
102     p2      Mobile  Lg      7000    2000
103     p2      Mobile  Lg      7000    5000
101     p3      Laptop  Lg      6000    3000
103     p3      Laptop  Lg      6000    3000
Time taken: 0.057 seconds
hive> select * from customers;
101     Mani    Hyd
102     Vani    Pune
103     Veni    Hyd
Time taken: 0.059 seconds
hive> create table info(cid string,
    >  name string, pid string,
    >  pname string, brand string,
    >  mrp int, pr int, city string)
    > row format delimited
    >   fields terminated by ',';
Time taken: 0.082 seconds

hive> insert overwrite table info       
    >   select l.cid, name, pid, pname, brand,
    >  mrp , pr , city                       
    > from info1 l join customers r
    >  on (l.cid = r.cid);

hive> select * from info;
101     Mani    p1      Mobile  Samsung 5000    1000      Hyd
101     Mani    p3      Laptop  Lg      6000    3000      Hyd
102     Vani    p1      Mobile  Samsung 5000    1200      Pune
102     Vani    p2      Mobile  Lg      7000    2000      Pune
103     Veni    p2      Mobile  Lg      7000    5000      Hyd
103     Veni    p3      Laptop  Lg      6000    3000      Hyd
Time taken: 0.053 seconds
