Pig Lab3
3) dump :-
to execute data flow.
writes output into console.
entire dataflow will be converted as single map reduce job.
grunt> dump res;
4) store:-
to execute data flow.
writes output into disk (local/hdfs)
grunt> store res into 'results1';
-- tab is delimiter.
grunt> store res into 'results2'
using PigStorage(',');
load and store operators use Storage Methods.
5) filter :-
to create subsets , based on given criteria.
(row filter, equivalant to 'where' clause of sql select statement )
grunt> e1 = filter emp by (sex=='m');
grunt> dump e1
grunt> e1 = filter emp by (sex=='m' and dno==12)
>> ;
grunt> dump e1
6) Limit :-
to fetch top n number of tuples.
grunt> top3 = limit emp 3;
grunt> dump top3
7) sample:-
to create subsets, in random sample style.
grunt> rs = sample emp 0.5;
grunt> dump rs
8) Aggregated functions in PigLatin.
SUM(), AVG(), MAX(), MIN(), COUNT()
grunt> r = foreach emp generate SUM(sal) as tot;
grunt> dump r
ABOVE statement will be failed during execution,.
bcoz, AGGREGATED functions are applied only on inner bags.
when you group data , inner bags will be produced.
9) group: -
to get inner bags foreach data group.
based on grouping field.
grunt> describe emp;
emp: {id: int,name: chararray,sal: int,sex: chararray,dno: int}
grunt> -- select sex, sum(sal) from emp group by sex
grunt> e = foreach emp generate sex, sal;
grunt> bySex = group e by sex;
grunt> describe bySex
bySex: {group: chararray,e: {sex: chararray,sal: int}}
grunt> dump bySex
grunt> res = foreach bySex generate
>> group as sex, SUM(e.sal) as tot;
grunt> describe res
res: {sex: chararray,tot: long}
grunt> store res into 'myhdfs1';
grunt> cat myhdfs1/part-r-00000
f 103000
m 125000
grunt> describe emp
emp: {id: int,name: chararray,sal: int,sex: chararray,dno: int}
grunt> ee = foreach emp generate dno, sal;
grunt> byDno = group ee by dno;
grunt> res = foreach byDno generate
>> group as dno, SUM(ee.sal) as tot;
grunt> store res into 'pdemo/res1';
grunt> ls pdemo/res1
hdfs://localhost/user/training/pdemo/res1/_logs <dir>
hdfs://localhost/user/training/pdemo/res1/part-r-00000<r 1> 28
grunt> cat pdemo/res1/part-r-00000
11 51000
12 48000
13 129000
grunt> -- single grouping and multiple aggregations
grunt> res1 = foreach bySex generate
>> group as sex,
>> SUM(e.sal) as tot,
>> AVG(e.sal) as avg,
>> MAX(e.sal) as min,
>> MIN(e.sal) as mn,
>> COUNT(e) as cnt;
grunt> dump res1
grunt> -- multi grouping..
grunt> e = foreach emp generate dno, sex, sal;
grunt> grp = group e by dno, sex;
2016-06-09 19:28:35,893 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 1000: Error during parsing. Unrecognized alias sex
Details at logfile: /home/training/pig_1465437040017.log
above statement is invalid.
pig does not allow groping by multiple fields.
make multiple fields as a tuple field, and group it by tuple.
grunt> grp = group e by (dno, sex);
grunt> describe grp
grp: {group: (dno: int,sex: chararray),e: {dno: int,sex: chararray,sal: int}}
grunt> res = foreach grp generate
>> group.dno, group.sex, SUM(e.sal) as tot;
grunt> dump res
grunt> -- select sum(sal) from emp;
grunt> -- old one
grunt> e = foreach emp generate 'ibm' as org, sal;
grunt> dump e;
grunt> grp = group e by org;
grunt> res = foreach grp generate
>> SUM(e.sal) as tot;
grunt> dump res
2nd one --- for entire column aggregation.
grunt> describe emp;
emp: {id: int,name: chararray,sal: int,sex: chararray,dno: int}
grunt> e = foreach emp generate sal;
grunt> grp = group e all;
grunt> dump grp
grunt> res = foreach grp generate
>> SUM(e.sal) as tot,
>> AVG(e.sal) as avg, MAX(e.sal) as max,
>> MIN(e.sal) as min, COUNT(e) as cnt;
grunt> dump res
describe emp--> id,name,sal,sex,dno
Marketing A 30
marketing B 40
Fin A 50
Fin D 30
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